In our project we have parts that are written by our outsource partners. We are using their services in our code. Services injected from spring to our beans.
Yesterday, they made a weekly commit, and I've found out that my tests were broken :( One of their developer had commented my stub that implemented their interface. They said that he didn't want to change any code although I needed my stub to collect and analyze input in it.
I started solving this problem learning about mock objects. On my previous work, one of my coworkers used mockito and he liked it a lot :) I've found the information about it here: site. I suppose it's good that the last version was released in may. Also, I like projects that have good documentation and have *-all.jar. Mockito has all of that!
I needed only one method from two interfaces. And I've written simple mock objects and inject this mocks in spring.
SomeService mockService = Mockito.mock(SomeService.class);
Mockito.doAnswer(new Answer() {
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
String[] users = (String[])invocation.getArguments()[0];
String title = (String)invocation.getArguments()[1];
//Collect information here.
return null;
someMethod(Mockito.<string[]>any(), Mockito.anyString());
Also, I have got some troubles when injecting this service in spring: I could not do something like this:
because I am using @Transactional and having Proxy object. After some google searches I've found solution for this(I think, that it's not ideal, because I found some info about @Configurable beans and wrote TODO ;))
((MyServiceImpl)( ((Advised)myService).getTargetSource().getTarget())).setSomeService(mockService);
I commited this and...drink mockito :)!