authenticationService.validate(ticket, null);
And some threads can not validate this ticket and service throws AuthenticationException. If you have particular problem, then you should look at alfresco's jira: ALF-3789. This bug was fixed in revision 21065 at trunk. To fix it in my code, I simple override bean:
<!--Override alfresco--> <bean name="ticketsCache" class="org.alfresco.repo.cache.EhCacheAdapter"> <property name="cache"> <bean class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheFactoryBean" > <property name="cacheManager"> <ref bean="internalEHCacheManager" /> </property> <property name="cacheName"> <value>org.alfresco.cache.ticketsCache</value> </property> </bean> </property> </bean>
After this all works fine :)
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